Hair growth stages and how braid wigs helps

There is more to the hair you have than just what you see. The basic components that causes hair growth inside the human scalp is complicated and more advanced than just each strand you see. Each strand of hair grows from a hair follicle. The hair follicle is composed of two structures; the part which resides inside the skin scalp and the shaft, which grows out of the scalp and each hair follicle has its own life cycle. This means that each strand of hair grows independently of the surrounding strands. If all of the hair follicles were synchronous, the hair would all grow at the same time.This would mean that there would be periods during which we would all be bald and other moments when we would have a full hair! The hair growth process occurs in a cycle, with hair follicles going through four different stages as they grow, regress, rest and shed over the course of several years. Understanding hair growth is an important part of learning more about why your hair thins an...